Daily Prompt: 21st Century Citizen

*Hmm, wonder how “reblogging” works… let’s find out*

Daily prompt: 21st Century Citizen

Do you belong in this day and age? Do you feel comfortable being a citizen of the 21st-century? If you do, explain why — and if you don’t, when in human history would you rather be?

I feel like Pooh bear when I hear this question. “Do you belong in this day and age? And if not, which day and age?” and I do the same *think. think. think.* that Pooh bear does with his hand tapping at his head. So, do I feel like I belong in this day and age? Well, I think I could belong in many time periods. I like to lead a simpler life, no drama, work hard for the money, love and support my friends and family… so, I guess as long as I have these things, I could survive in any time period. I also don’t see any time period as my favorite, per say, as I see the advantages and disadvantages to every period. Time of the the pharaohs was a lot of work, carving stone and drought. In the ice age, I’d have a whole planet to myself, but it’d be pretty cold, hey, maybe it could’ve been me who invented fire? I enjoy Victorian times in England and Europe, but the dresses are a bit much, and so is the idea that Catholicism is the only way of life. I’d rather have been with Columbus to venture off to a new world, but, again, the disease in the new world was pretty intense.

All in all, if you believe in reincarnation, I probably lived in many time periods, I just can’t remember them. So, I guess that just leaves me with today. Right now, I think I’m OK with today.

About trex

Live Happy, Live Healthy. Life life to the fullest - and take as many pictures as you can to prove each check on your bucket list was accomplished! Never look back wishing shoulda, woulda, coulda!
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